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左の二つのグラフは累計で、新型コロナワクチン健康被害認定 3,810人、一方で過去44年間の全ワクチンでの健康被害認定 3,522人です。44年分の全てのワクチン健康被害認定を超えており、史上最悪の薬害が確定しました。死亡認定も 156人です。更に審査未了が4000件以上もあります。



COVID-19 Vaccine: Worst Drug Disaster in History, Japan

Surpassing All Vaccine Injuries of the Past 44 Years

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In Japan, as of August 2023, the number of individuals certified under the health damage compensation program by law for the COVID-19 vaccine has exceeded the combined total of all vaccines certified over the past 44 years. It is a wonder why it has not been discontinued yet.

The two graphs on the left represent cumulative figures: 3,810 cases certified for health damage caused by the COVID-19 vaccine, compared to 3,522 cases certified for health damage from all vaccines certified over the past 44 years. It has surpassed the cumulative total of certified health damage from all vaccines certified over the past 44 years, confirming it as the worst drug disaster in history. The death toll stands at 156, and there are over 4,000 cases pending review.

This is often misunderstood, but according to the provisions of the law, compensation is provided only when the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare acknowledges the damage as being caused by vaccination. In other words, causality has been confirmed. The misconception that causality has not been confirmed likely stems from confusion with the adverse events reporting and verification meetings.

In Japan, this has not been widely reported. Once the public and the media have taken the position that COVID-19 are scary and vaccines are wonderful, the media can no longer report negatively on vaccines.